A Sufficient Sacrifice
I integrated a goat horn into this piece to remind us to be steadfast to our principles as if they were sealed in blood.
Hour upon hour, for months I have been listening to compelling lectures about the human condition. One of the most striking questions posed was: “Is your sacrifice bloody enough?” This question posed by Jordan Peterson in his Biblical Series. The idea was posed that in ancient times people reinforced their statements, promises, and intentions by making an animal sacrifice. The gruesomeness and cost of this highly memorable act made keeping their word of utmost priority. This tradition has been left behind, but the seriousness of our devotion to the idea should not erode.
The viper bones are a reference to Matthew 10:16 where we are called to be “Wise as Snakes, Gentle as Doves.
This piece also features the timeless materials of lava and ammonite shell.
Forever in service to the Muse,
-Kelly Ormsby